What is a nitrogen stripper

Manure is the largest source of nitrogen on the farm. This occurs in the form of ammonium or organically bound nitrogen (Abbreviated N). In addition, manure consists of 90% water. Circular Values was the first in the Netherlands to see the circular value of this and developed the Farmcubes Quadro Nitrogen Recovery so that the excess components can be disposed of in concentrated form. The nitrogen is recovered into a liquid inorganic fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate. This results in a high-quality fertilizer substitute. The remaining nitrogen-poor fraction can easily be applied to one's own land. This allows for significant nitrogen reduction. Ammonium sulfate is an important plant fertilizer containing both nitrogen and sulfur. With the production of liquid ammonium sulfate on one's own soil, manure disposal costs are actually reduced and there is no need to purchase fertilizer. This provides economic benefits for land-based dairy farming. It also means the cattle farmer is never again dependent on any derogation. 

Nitrogen stripper, nitrogen cracker or ammonia stripper?

Refining or recovering nitrogen from manure is also called nitrogen stripping (N-stripping), or nitrogen cracking (N-cracking), hence this plant is also called a nitrogen stripper or nitrogen cracker. The Farmcubes Quadro nitrogen stripper is the first of its kind! The Farmcubes Quadro is now in service on several agricultural farms. Because it strips ammonia from ammonium, the term ammonia stripper is also sometimes used. These names are sometimes used interchangeably. Ultimately, the same thing is meant and the concept of producing ammonium sulfate from manure or digestate is the same. The Farmcubes Quadro is the first of its kind! The Farmcubes Quadro is now in service on several agricultural farms.

The Process

In the nitrogen stripper / ammonia stripper, ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) present in the thin fraction is converted into gaseous nitrogen (ammonia, NH3). Ammonia is normally formed in the barn where it can escape as an emission stream, but in this system it is formed in a controlled manner and actually prevents emission. The ammonia passes through columns and is washed to produce ammonium sulfate. Nitrogen refining can operate using heat and/or using pH increasing agents.

The first nitrogen stripper in the Netherlands

Farmcubes was the first in the Netherlands to see the circular value of manure and thus the potential of using this process commercially. Under the brand name Quadro, the first nitrogen stripper was developed. As a result, Farmcubes has years of experience developing, producing, installing and maintaining nitrogen strippers at various livestock farms. This knowledge allows us to develop and produce Farmcubes Quadro nitrogen strippers suitable for almost all situations. With the current nitrogen issues and the disappearance of the derogation for the Netherlands, now is the time to invest in a nitrogen stripper. View all information about our line-up of nitrogen strippers on our site or contact us. We like to think along with you.

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