Nitrogen production
Fertilizer saving
CO2 reduction
Transport savings
Welcome to Farmcubes
Farmcubes is a modular concept for refining manure on the farm. Through Farmcubes, valuable components can be extracted from manure. Farmcubes is best known for its Quadro nitrogen strippers, which allow dairy farmers to recover nitrogen from manure and convert it into high-quality fertilizer, thereby reducing their nitrogen emissions. The Farmcubes Quadro nitrogen stripper was the first of its kind in the Netherlands.
Currently, there are only complete all-in-one solutions for manure refining on the market. However, each farm is so specific that a complete and rigid system often does not fit or does not fit optimally. An all-in-one system increases production costs and often makes the systems unattainable for the average farmer. Farmcubes is different: it is a fully modular system that can be adapted to each farm's needs. It consists of three main elements, namely: mono-fermentation and refining of thick and thin fractions. Within each element, one can also choose to expand or simplify. This creates a menu on which everyone can fill in their wishes and the farmer only has to invest in the elements he/she actually needs. The modules can also be connected and disconnected with plug-and-play and in terms of operation they have been simplified as much as possible.
With Farmcubes, we like to keep things simple so that the customer does not have to worry about installation and operation. Farmcubes installations are not only designed and developed by Farmcubes itself, but they are also built, installed and made completely up-and-running by us. And after delivery, Farmcubes can always be monitored remotely, so that the customer is always assured of an optimally functioning installation even in this phase.
Farmcubes is the circular solution for dairy farms because it:
- Provides balanced fertilization for healthy soil life
- Reduces transport movements and therefore CO2 emissions
- Eliminates the need for artificial fertilizer
- Provides significant nitrogen reduction
- Eliminates dependence on derogation
- Is an economic solution for the dairy farmer.

Who are we?
About Farmcubes
Your partner in upgrading agricultural residuals. Farmcubes provides concepts to refine organic residual streams to extract useful nutrients and/or fiber. Be it nitrogen, phosphate or other components.
Farmcubes has developed some concepts to extract, at both central and decentralized levels, specific components from a product stream to make this product much more compatible with the nearby environment. Our focus is a circular biobased business and creating added value from manure and digestate by upgrading it to high-quality fertilizers. At Farmcubes, our ambition is to deliver sustainable technology to farmers, industry and society. The separated 'pure' component is high quality and more compatible with other cycles that can thus be closed. For the decentralized approach on the farm, Farmcubes often offers solutions in modular systems so that it fits every farm type and every business operation. In this way, livestock farming can also strongly contribute to the circular and bio-based economy, making it more sustainable both financially and environmentally and less dependent on restrictions by (environmental) legislation, such as EU legislation for derogation of the Nitrates Directive.